Test preparation has been proven to make a difference in increasing scores. Here you will find resources and advice on preparing for various admission tests that may be required for some Graduate programs.
Test preparation has been proven to make a difference in increasing scores. Here you will find resources and advice on preparing for various admission tests that may be required for some Graduate programs.
We know that applying to top MBA programs is time-consuming and expensive! When you join Leland, you get an army of support, and that includes free resources like this one.
Before we dive in, here’s our best recommendation on how …
Law school admissions typically require that applicants take one of two tests: the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). As the names imply, the LSAT is specific to law school while the GRE is applicable …
GMAT vs. GRE: Overview
When applying for top MBA programs such as Harvard Business School or the Stanford Graduate School of Business, you’ll need to take the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) or GRE (Graduate Record Examination). The GMAC (Graduate …
This article was originally published on ETS.
NEW: A free, timed practice test for the shorter GRE is now available. See Helping Students Prepare.
The world’s most widely used test for admission to graduate, business and other professional schools is …