Employer Spotlight: EDSI (Educational Data Systems, Inc.)

EDSI (Educational Data Systems, Inc.) is a national workforce development, training solutions and consulting company with a passion for helping great companies and communities train and retain great people. EDSI works with regions, employers and jobseekers to overcome their most …

By Alice Song
Alice Song Career Counselor
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Employer Spotlight: Ally

Ally Financial Inc. is a leading digital financial-services company with $180.4 billion in assets as of June 30, 2019. Ally is one of the largest full-service automotive-finance operations in the country and offer a wide range of financial services and …

By Alice Song
Alice Song Career Counselor
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Employer Spotlight: Susquehanna International Group

Susquehanna International Group is a global quantitative trading firm founded by a group of friends who share a passion for game theory and probabilistic thinking. Their rigorous and analytical approach to decision making has led Susquehanna to become one of …

By Alice Song
Alice Song Career Counselor
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Employer Spotlight: SAP

As the market leader in enterprise application software, SAP is helping companies of all sizes and in all industries run better by redefining ERP and creating networks of intelligent enterprises that provide transparency, resiliency, and sustainability across supply chains. SAP’s vision …

By Alice Song
Alice Song Career Counselor
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Featured Classes

Your major does not necessarily have to be directly aligned with your career! For example, liberal arts majors can work in business and business majors can work in the public sector. Here are a few courses at Arcadia that can develop your skills for this industry. Please speak with your academic advisor to explore all available courses.

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Career Outcomes

The term Student Outcomes refers to undergraduate outcomes within the 6-9 months following graduation, providing a snapshot of Arcadia undergraduates’ success following degree completion. The data is collected through a survey distributed to students at graduation, and again in the months following, along with knowledge gained from faculty, LinkedIn, and phone calls to our graduates, in accordance with national standards. The knowledge rate of outcomes for each class was 79.8% for the class of 2023, 86% for the class of 2022, 79% for the class of 2021, 81% for the class of 2020, and 87% for the class of 2019, though response rates vary among colleges and departments.

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