Veteran Jobs: 6 Ways to Effectively Transition from the Military Into the Workforce

Bill Lawrence, who spent 20 years as a combat fighter pilot in the U.S. Navy, relishes the “new car smell” of stepping into the cockpit of a brand-new jet. Like many veterans, Lawrence, who is now a chief information security …

By Springboard
Bridging the world's skills gap through affordable, high-quality, online education.
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These 11 tech companies are hiring veterans right now

While veteran joblessness rose to 7.3% in 2020—versus 8.3% unemployment for the total U.S. population—millions of STEM jobs went unfilled. In 2020, 18.5 million men and women were veterans, comprising 7% of the civilian population.

As the tech industry …

By Springboard
Bridging the world's skills gap through affordable, high-quality, online education.
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Veterans: How To Determine Which Jobs To Apply To

We spoke with Tara Carlidge, Recruiting Manager at Citi and former Personnel Officer in the U.S. Army, to ask her how veterans should figure out what industry or job they should be applying for when entering the corporate workforce for …

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Tips For Veterans When Reading Civilian Job Descriptions

We spoke with Tara Carlidge, Recruiting Manager at Citi and former Personnel Officer in the U.S. Army, to ask her how a veteran should look through the qualifications in a job description and assess whether they are qualified. Here’s what …

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Career Outcomes

The term Student Outcomes refers to undergraduate outcomes within the 6-9 months following graduation, providing a snapshot of Arcadia undergraduates’ success following degree completion. The data is collected through a survey distributed to students at graduation, and again in the months following, along with knowledge gained from faculty, LinkedIn, and phone calls to our graduates, in accordance with national standards. The knowledge rate of outcomes for each class was 79.8% for the class of 2023, 86% for the class of 2022, 79% for the class of 2021, 81% for the class of 2020, and 87% for the class of 2019, though response rates vary among colleges and departments.

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