
Handshake serves as the central online employment hub for Arcadia students and alumni. Apply for internships or jobs, publish your resume, & sign up for on-campus interviews, career events, and appointments with Career Educators.

Handshake provides both students/alumni and employers with a modern and efficient recruiting experience. It’s the place where students, organizations, and The Office of Career Education connect, communicate, and create meaningful connections.

Students can log in to their Handshake account directly by clicking on the “For Students” button to the right, and then clicking on “Arcadia University Student Login.” Make sure you are already logged into MyArcadia BEFORE clicking on the For Students button. For further instructions on utilizing Handshake as a student, check out this Student Handshake Guide. For Students
Alumni can log in to their Handshake account by clicking the “For Alumni” button to the right. If you already have a Handshake account, select “Log in Using Email and Password.” If you need to create a new account, select “Register a New Account” – then you will be prompted to create a password and verify your name/email for your account. All alumni accounts are verified and approved by the Office of Career Education. (Accounts are typically approved and granted access within 24 hours of account completion.) For Alumni 
Employers can strategically use Handshake to post job and internship opportunities for students and alumni to view. Registered and approved organizations even have the ability to search student and alumni résumés within Handshake. Posting position announcements and accessing candidate résumés are both FREE. If you already have a Handshake account, you can log in by clicking the “For Employers” button to the right. If you are creating your account for the first time, click on the “Employer” section at arcadia.joinhandshake.com/register. For Employers 


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